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The online edition of 'PAATOM' Magazine founded by MN Vijayan -

In the Context of diffusion of imperialist machinery into the Indian Communist movements PAATOM raises indignant resistance against the hell of ideology and praxis vitiated by the pseudo Marxist goons of imperium.

'PAATOM' is a resistance from the deepest of the racial sanctity of humanity nursed by the leftist political ethos. "PAATOM" is the voice of honest determination, that means to uncover the treacherous objects concealed beneath the mystery of hegemonic jargon.

We offer a laborious contribution to the truly humanist interventions that would enlarge the circumference and depth of emotional and intellectual perceptions.

Thursday, March 18, 2010




As per the existing international diplomatic ethics, a nation is not supposed to look into the internal affairs of another nation and so making maps of the internal geography or topography of another nation is a criminal political intrusion . So even the United States of America shall not do such a crime or claim that it has been doing cartography inside India or it is in possession of Indian classified maps. Then the question arises for whom does the U.S. satellite system create maps and the flat lie that answers the quest is that it is for the good of the international community. Even before the U.S satellite system started photo mapping the CIA had its clandestine means and ways to create and procure topo-maps of foreign countries for military purposes. In 1970s during the Vietnam War the CIA claimed that it kept in custody the classified maps of the French colonies. Topo mapping was then done by air photos and after the U.S. satellite system started functioning, and particularly after the commencement of globalization the CIA expanded mapping towards a momentous campaign at the international level under the cover of development. The air photos or satellite photos alone would not make classified maps but the satellite topo photos issued a boost to the CIA in creating the contoured , encoded topo-maps of the third world nation states. For the project of terrorism unleashed in the nation states by the U.S. ( to realize the fragmentation of the nation states )a data base for militant activity is required . The data base required for launching the project of global terrorism was none other than the encoded contoured topo maps with global positioning and geographical information. This became rather easy as the U.S .satellite system was given free access with mapping the interior space of various nation states.

Even before the commencement of satellite mapping the CIA (and not the United States )could procure a great store of topo maps encoded for the military purposes but by 1980s the CIA, started releasing maps encoded for public use also and thus established the fact that tha CIA is the unchallengeable global cartographer and custodian of all types of maps of various nations. This means that the U.S. satellite system was monitored by the CIA and all the cartographical products issued by the WGS-84U.S.satellite system were absorbed , processed and periodically updated by the CIA. This job of cartographical intrusion into the space of other nations was entrusted with the CIA and its whitewashed agencies, because the international political law doesn’t permit the U.S. government to cut an open track into the interior space of other nations. Later the CIA authorities made public revelations that it could provide topographical maps for rescue operation in various nations like Kosovo, Bosnia etc. which suggests that the CIA holds in possession the topo maps of those nations whereas those nations do not have the updated explorative maps of their own nations. This is also an Indian situation. The CIA does the periodical updating of Indian maps for its military targets under the cover of providing maps for the public use. For this dubious adventure they make use of agencies under different titles. Scientists shoring public opinion in favour of the satellite mapping deliberately conceal the fact that the CIA is the authorial figure behind this mapping project. In India we rejoice the CIA satellite mapping and the digital and cyber display of maps because the maps show you the house you live in . But there is substantial protest in Britain and even in U.S( the breeding ground of the CIA) over the satellite – cyber exercises displayed by the CIA.



Labour MPs protest as CIA gets power to snoop on any house in Britain

By Severin Carrell - London Independent - 13 January 2002

The CIA has recruited British defence and hi-tech companies in an attempt to acquire the latest technology for its spying missions and intelligence- gathering. The British firms, including the mobile-phone company Hutchison 3G and aerospace contractor BAE Systems, are helping the CIA to develop sophisticated map reading, 3-D mapping and computer communications techniques. In conflicts such as the war in Afghanistan, these projects would potentially allow CIA agents in the war zone to translate an obscure reference to a building, village or cave into a 3-D photo-realistic map of the area via laptops and satellite phones. One project funded by the CIA uses raw data provided by the Ordnance Survey based on its digital maps of the UK, sparking criticism from MPs. One Labour MP said the projects raised major questions about whether these relationships were in Britain's interests. Alan Simpson, a senior member of the left-wing Campaign group of backbenchers, said: "Where does this take the CIA? If we're giving them the ability to plot grid references to any house in Britain, it raises fundamental questions about whether this is in the national interest." The CIA, the world's largest most powerful intelligence agency, has been under immense pressure to catch up with the rapid developments and spread of computer and internet technology over the past decade. Its directors admit that the size and reach of the internet has left it struggling to catch up. In 1999, it set up a unique private company called In- Q-Tel to invest about $30m a year in hi-tech companies and research projects. "We make investments in companies where we have a strategic interest in the technology," a spokeswoman said.Five British firms have become collaborators or contractors for In-Q-Tel through a US-dominated alliance of more than 220 private companies, government agencies and universities called the Open GIS Consortium (OGC) to develop common technological standards for computers. In one project overseen by OGC, Hutchison 3G is a partner with In-Q-Tel and five US firms to design a system which allows wireless links between computers. The mobile-phone company Vodaphone is a contractor and the British companies Laser- Scan and its owner, Yeoman Group, have become observers in the project.In another project, In-Q-Tel has hired a division of BAE Systems and Laser-Scan, which makes digital and internet maps, to develop ways of linking geographical data from separate sources – a technique known as inter-operability. This project uses Ordnance Survey data. Laser-Scan is also involved with the Military Mapping Project, where the CIA and US Army is developing further sophisticated 3-D mapping techniques, such as sending them via the internet, in a restricted project also overseen by OGC. British companies appear to have avoided the most controversial projects funded by In-Q-Tel. One US firm called SafeWeb had been paid to give the CIA the ability to snoop on internet web sites without being detected. All the companies and agencies involved insisted the projects were above board, and Ordnance Survey stressed that its data was used simply for research purposes. In-Q-Tel denied that it required its contractors to sign secrecy deals with the CIA, or expected to control the results of its projects with OGC.


Agence France Presse:Washington, February24

THE United States would lose a cyber war if it fought one today, a former US intelligence chief warned on Tues day. Michael McConnell,a retired US Navy Vice Admiral who served as George.W.Bush’s director of national intelligence, also compared the danger of cyber war to the nuclear threat posed by Soviet Union during the cold war……our national security and our economic security are at stake, said democratic senator Jay Rockfeller, the panel’s chairman and co-sponsor of a bill seeking to bolster public and private sector cyber security cooperation……a major cyber attack could shutdown our nation’s most crucial infrastructure-our power grid, telecommunications and financial services…..James Lewis, a cyber security expert at the centre for strategic and international studies, said that the government intervention would probably be needed to crack down on the wild west the internet has become….. the greatest threat to the US comes from cyber espionage and cyber crime ,he said.-THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS-page11. February 25,2010


Agence France Presse, Brussels, February 24:European regulators said on Wednesday that they are investigating complaints filed by three web companies that contend the US Internet giant Google is not playing fair—THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS-page 11 February23. 2010


CIA Home Library Reports; Recurring Reports > Annual Report 2003 > Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom

Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom

CIA produced a digital map of Iraq displaying all border crossings and detailed geographic data to assist intelligence and military planners. CIA also produced weekly Media Guides summarizing developments in the chaotic post-Saddam Iraqi media.


The CIA World Factbook

The CIA World Factbook is one of the best geographic resources on the Internet. It is a collection of maps, flags, and comprehensive geographic information for every country and territory in the world (over 270 entries).

The CIA World Factbook has been published in print form for public use by the United States Central Intelligence Agency since 1981. Over the past fifteen years, it has been made available online. From 1990 through 1993 it was placed on a gopher (text-based) Internet site by the Wiretap Electronic Text Archive. Since 1993, the CIA itself has operated a web site and has annually included the full text, maps, and flags for each world entity (including oceans and the planet itself)


These reports are produced against the context of pseudo scientist exultations that .betray truth hidden beneath the innocent benefit of satellite mapping. and cyber espionage .Reports 5 and 4 reveal the official position of the CIA with respect to satellite mapping.. Unauthorised and unethical mapping of various nations was done by the CIA even before 1981 and the clandestine project of mapping was disclosed in 1990s, the introduction of satellite mapping being the excuse. The prime continent of the CIA fact book as admitted by CIA , is maps under various categories , saleable free maps and maps encoded with military strategy. Apart from the world geodetic code the CIA can have its secret code and the geodetic codes and classification principles of various nations are confounded by such an intervention by the CIA.. .In report 5 , the CIA officially admits that the CIA provided the US government with military maps in the context of the conquest and colonization of Iraq. The fact that digital mapping and satellite mapping done by foreign agencies, whether it be google or any such US giant, the authorial force behind is none other than CIA.

Report 1 asserts the role of CIA, in the unlawful mapping done in London .British Labour MPs protest, and international experts smell danger in the three dimensional mapping carried out by the agencies deputed by the CIA, There is panic in the CIA locates and gives you the glimpse of your living house but here we rejoice over the CIA locating our living houses, and unlocking our bed rooms! We celebrate our spectacular stupidity lending formidable support to the satellite adventure performed by the CIA. It is the treacherous style of high tech intervention far superior to a nuclear treaty surrender that the Indian left should protest . But the Indian left won’t utter a word because Issac minister, a central committee member of the CPM played a crucial role in trading the topo maps of Kerala that made it possible for CIA to create integrated maps encoded in their geodetic code distnct from the Indian geodetic code.

Reports 3and 4 suggest the anxiety and panic in EU countries and US over cyber war and cyber espionage. The anxiety of the EU countries and their allegation against the US giant may be genuine. But the cry of panic shot from the cyber land of the CIA is probably an intimidation to the nation sates whose cyber space has been espied intruded and governed by the CIA and its agencies. The US pretends fright over cyber security of its national defence and economy in the context of cyber espionage. The master crafts man of cyber espionage laments over the possible depth of disaster lying beneath cyber colonialism. We ,Indians who do not have cyber defence space of our own keeps every thing safe under the CIA cyber management. We don’t have worries over national security or economic security whereas the European nations and even US grows panicky in the context of satellite mapping and cyber espionage. This is the way we fatten the arrogance of our ignorance; this is the way we betray our posterity drinking blinded high-tec delight from the udder of the CIA.



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