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The online edition of 'PAATOM' Magazine founded by MN Vijayan -

In the Context of diffusion of imperialist machinery into the Indian Communist movements PAATOM raises indignant resistance against the hell of ideology and praxis vitiated by the pseudo Marxist goons of imperium.

'PAATOM' is a resistance from the deepest of the racial sanctity of humanity nursed by the leftist political ethos. "PAATOM" is the voice of honest determination, that means to uncover the treacherous objects concealed beneath the mystery of hegemonic jargon.

We offer a laborious contribution to the truly humanist interventions that would enlarge the circumference and depth of emotional and intellectual perceptions.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The nature of digital consciousness and the role of market economy

Do we need to praise this digital consciousness of our times? Why do we feel that digital experiences are overwhelming and seamless? Digital images and devices seems so intimate that we started them wearing them in all possible fashion and fervor.Is it purely a technical marvel that we tend to get hooked on to the new generation social networks and communication systems? 

Of course not. Digital consciousness and the associated wealth of information is not something purely created by the technical advancement and sophistication in signal processing and encoding. The process of digitization enforces precision of information, condensation of messages and coherence of delivery channels, optimization of transmission frequency and so forth. These are qualitative changes in the technological dimension. When these qualitative changes gets associated with the social modes of production, technology absorbs the nature of market and capital accumulation. 

Digital communication and Capitalist Production

With digitization of information and experience, it became easy to monetize the related human labor and the social relationships. As digitization has increased the options to circulate capital more agile than the labor, labor and the laborer can be dynamically fixed to the production line where profit and circulation are the most. When the channels of exchange and transaction becomes more precise and efficiently condensed, it will benefit money and capital as well. As we know, money at the heart is the medium of exchange of value with respect to the circulation in time. 

In addition, digitization creates fragmentation of experiences into discrete emotions and natural responses. When human labor and exchange of labor gets associated with digital production and circulation systems, it is able to compress more labor in lesser time. When it reaches the threshold of recognition and perception, human beings begin to deviate from their normal behavior. 

Digitization and Human Mind

When the digital media bombards a normal consumer, their mind reaches the same cognitive and perceptive limits.The discrete sampling of the digital signals are fundamental to the cognitive dissonance in the consumer. Digitization increases the number of discrete samples while we measure an experience or store information. With the right choice of technology and data mining, this can become commodity faster and efficiently. 

Is digitization of experience hindering the possibility of unifying the experiences between different layers of experience? This is another challenge posited by digitization of experience and the emergence of digital consciousness. To arrive at a rational and meaningful decision on life situation, mind should be able to unify the sequence of emotions and experiences. 

What is required for mind to unify fragmented experiences? It should be able to infer assumptions, associate with the history, memory, knowledge and apply them on the experience set. This requires a balance of our relationships with society and the commodities. It becomes increasingly complex when society itself is prone to commodity relationships.

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